Our director, Kathyrn Wilhoite, is a fifth generation educator, and has been involved in early childhood education for the last 20 years. She brings a love of education and a love for children to her service here at Aleph Bet.
Kat Kennedy
Ms. Kat is the lead teacher in our Blue Room. She has been an early childhood educator for over 30 years, and more than half of those were here at Aleph Bet. Her love of children and wealth of experience are invaluable to us!
Amy Childers
Ms. Amy is the lead teacher in our Red Room. She started her career in education here at Aleph Bet, and feels that it has been a joy to teach and love our children!
Adrienne Finney
Ms. Adrienne is our lead teacher in the Yellow Room. She has a degree in education, and has been an early childhood educator for over 10 years. She also has experience in Jewish education centers.
Kitta Thomas
Ms. Kitta is the assistant teacher in our Red Room. She has been in early childhood education for more than 15 years. Her enthusiasm and care for our children is unmatched.
Allison Flynn
Our floating teacher, Ms. Allison, is happy to be helpful in any of our classrooms! She has been in early childhood education for over three years!
Laine Goy
Laine is a lifelong educator, with over 20 years of experience. She has worked in preschools, both here and on the west coast, and at one point ran her own at-home childcare center!