Beginning in September 2014, children enrolled at Aleph Bet Children’s Center may be eligible for a gift voucher of up to $1,200 per year. To qualify as eligible, a family must have a child who is accepted and enrolled at Aleph Bet Children’s Center and must have at least one parent or guardian identifying as Jewish. Additionally, every family must complete an annual survey and reapply each year to continue receiving the award. The program has a lifetime maximum benefit of $5,000 per family and is non-financial need based.
The gift voucher program was established in Chattanooga by the Lebovitz Family Charitable Trust to inspire the continuation of strong, vibrant Jewish communities, the program highlights the importance of connecting youngsters to their Jewish identity at an early age.
The gift voucher program was established in Chattanooga by the Lebovitz Family Charitable Trust to inspire the continuation of strong, vibrant Jewish communities, the program highlights the importance of connecting youngsters to their Jewish identity at an early age.